Monday, December 23, 2013

Do Me A Favor!? (:

Guys please do me the hugest favor ever! I entered a contest to get a chance to meet @austinmahone and go to a concert! If you go on this URL : It will take to my page. For each view I get I get 1 point. I need to get alot more compared to others.. I only have 62 and some other people have 300. If i can get a lot of view then I will have a chance to be in the top 5 then he will pick a winner! On the link I will be posting pictures daily they will all be my edits! I like to be original. All I am asking for is for you just to go on the website for 2 seconds and get off. Also if you want can you do it daily! Pretty please!? I really want to win this really bad lol. Again each page view is a point for meh!:) Thanks for going on it love ya Guys! 

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